Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations
Due to an unfortunate event during the Westford Olympics of 1995 and questionable toe over the line and subsequent “re-do”, these rules and regulations have had to be put in place. This are by no means comprehensive and the commissioner of this event will have final say in any discrepancy. Therefore, please use these as more as a guide than a bible.

1st RULE: You do not talk about the Cullen Ferreira White Christmas Invitational.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about the Cullen Ferreira White Christmas Invitational.
3rd RULE: If someone says "stop",goes limp, or taps out the event is over.
4th RULE: Only two guys to a compete at a time(unless otherwise stated).

Guess the Gift Competition- A wrapped present will be provided by Danny Ferreira, a.k.a. Baby Jesus a.k.a. the comish, to be guessed with yes-no questions what is enclosed. The last person to be seated at the start of the event will be first to ask. One question then the gift is passed to the next person to their right. First person to successfully guess what it is(when it is their turn) will win both the present and the BONUS points. This present and the BONUS are the first two gifts that Danny will be providing the Cullens and Whites as someone will be getting a lead and a (potentially) fun gift.

Deck the Halls Card Game- Otherwise known as Rummy 500, first person to accumulate 500 points(or first to reach -500 points) will end the game. Points will be given to all participants based on their point total. Gloria, no cheating!

Board Game Challenge- Comprised of three board games, scoring will occur as it does in golf or cross country with lowest total points wins. For example: A first, fourth and third place finish would result in 8 points, but a fifth and two firsts would result in 7 points and would be the better score. In the result of a tie after the three games, one round of Boggle will determine the placing. Sorry Brando!

Beer Pong-  Rules are pretty simple: 2 throws per person in 1:1 style format, six cups, 1 re-rack per game, guys can’t blow, rebuttals only for shots taken(if game ends with first shot, only get one ball back), sink both shots get ball back, sink both in same cup- game over!

Flip Cup- Flip the cup and win. Game will be described in more detail at time of event.

Best Mixed Drink Concoction- This BONUS requires some preparation. Bring your 3 best ingredients to make some concoction. Will be voted on by peers.

Handicapped 5k Road Race- This 5k Road race will occur from house down Rt 225 1.55 miles before turn-around point. The start times have been determined based on best known 5K performance and the first to the front of the house wins. Points will be given 1st through 7th though so don’t give up! The times are as follows:
9:00:00am Gloria starts
9:06:50 Genny starts
9:09:00-Brandon starts
9:09:07 Deidre starts
9:09:30 Greg starts
9:11:00-Amber starts
9:12:15- Danny starts

German HorseShoes- Actually Polish Horse Shoes. 1:1 style. Frisbee, hockey stick and beer bottle. Knock the bottle off the stick 3 points, drop the Frisbee 1 point. First to 7 wins. Round-robin style.

Obstacle Course- This event will be comprised of 7-10 events. Bring junky clothes because you will be getting dirty! Scoring will be fastest to slowest.

Saltine Eating Contest-  This BONUS is to challenge your eating habits. Seven Saltines as fast as you can. First done gets BONUS.

2 Hours of Sledding-2 hours of sledding, as many runs as you can. Scoring from highest number to lowest. There will be designated starting and stopping lines that you MUST cross each run.

Cullen Idol and The Great White-Hype- These two events will be judged by the rest of the Cullen families and will be comprised of best song performance and best dance performance.

4 hours of Bowling- Person with the highest score after 4 hours of bowling wins. Type of bowling to be determined. 

Longest Bowled Ball Contest- Shooting from a designated distance, the scorer who knocks over the most balls wins the BONUS.

Wii Sports Ultimate Challenge- The Whites have kindly volunteered their Wii for use in the Invitational’s final event. Competition in several Wii Sports will ensue with scoring occurring as it did with the Board Games.

That’s it! Have fun and remember NO RE-DO’s!