Gloria: came in with 12% of the total votes for the invite, finished in 7th place with 26 points. She put together an amazing 5k race as well as more than held her own during the Yoga Poses Hold competition. Areas where she'll need to improve next year will be the obstacle course, board games and darts if she wants to be a contender.

Greg came in with only 4% of the total votes finished 4th place overall with 46.5 points overall. His strong performances in Beer Pong, darts, Deck the Halls card game, and Cullen Idol couldn't hold off a strong charging Genny for the third place. He will need to continue to work on his yoga poses, obstacle navigation skills while substantially improving his Wii Sport acumen as this last place finish resulted in his ultimate slid out of podium contention. Congratulations to Greg on almost single handedly compiling a list of remarkable quotes that we could use as memorable quotes.

Deidre came in with 16% of the votes but finished 6th overall with 40.5 points overall. Despite her low overall placing, Deidre had some very solid performances but unfortunately they were coupled with several last place finishes which ultimately did her in. She did improve over the three days though and is expected to come back better than ever next year. She certainly will have some things percolating in her mind(or stomach) between now and then.

Amber came in with 20% of the votes but may have been the most disappointing performance overall with a 5th place finish. A poorly thrown football during the obstacle course, a missed turn during the 5k race as well as inattention during darts and bowling all contributed to her lower than expected finish. She did make a heck of a mixed drink and improved every task after some practice so this sub-par performance may catapult her to a next year finish.

Genny also garnered 20% of pre-competition votes and finished 3rd overall. She had been trailing both Greg and Amber going into the third day of competition but first and second place finishes in bowling and Wii, respectively, put her in 3rd place with a 1/2 point lead over her father and 3.5 point lead over her sister. She was probably the most consistent of the competitors over the three days.

Brandon certainly the underdog of the weekend getting 16% of votes surprised everyone when he finished in second place. The victory was in his grasp going into the last competition of the day, Wii sports, but (likely due to chivalry) let Danny sneak by him for the crown. Brandon proved that he was a force to be reckoned with. Even activities that he was terrible at, he was able to scrap his way to a solid finish. He has the unique distinction of never finishing worse than 5th in any event. Between he and his wife's third place finish, they took home the Couple's Award.

While you may have to wait another year to follow the competition at the second annual Cullen Ferreira White Christmas, tentatively scheduled for January 2013 in Bermuda, you can follow Amber and Danny at their blog.
Thanks for following and have a happy new year!